
Showing posts from February, 2022

Dreaming Ceremony

Everyone dreams. Psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung have tried to interpret dreams and our subconscious thoughts. Though these modern scientists have provided multiple theories and vast quantities of written analysis, they are by no means the first to have taken on this eternal and elusive subject. Dream interpretation has directly influenced Native American cultural and spiritual beliefs for centuries. American Indians believe dreams influence the conscious soul of the dreamer, oftentimes acting as a means for change in personality traits such as confidence, maturity, kindness, and loyalty. Dreams have always been a fundamental part of Ojibwe culture and have many purposes.     Prophecies:  Dreams can show future events that will affect a tribe or individual person.     Names:  Spiritual leaders can receive the name of a newborn child through dreams.     Spiritual Strength:  Many Ojibwe people pray, meditate, and fast in order...

Dreams And Quantum Physics

Now, suppose world-boundedness is incorrect — or at least can be relaxed as a constraint for both Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) and the possible worlds framework. What follows for the nature and functions of dreaming? First, note that dreaming largely consists of counterfactual simulations of what might have been and what might be for the dreamer. A first default and easy hypothesis would be then that dreaming actually really depicts events occurring in a real alternate world unfolding from the initial branching event. Given that counterfactual simulations are constructions of alternate histories and futures for the dreamer, we ask: Where do these alternate histories occur? The most reasonable answer is, of course, they occur in the mind of the dreamer. But this is a thought experiment, so we can ask: If the many-worlds framework is correct and dreaming consists of counterfactual simulations of what might have been and what might be for the dreamer in a world that branches off of th...

Dreams: A Parallel Universe

This truth will shock you and make you re-think next time you sleep or dream. If you want to manifest what you want using law of attraction then you can consider this to dive deeper on the seekers journey. What if we are in dream and when we think we dream we exit from this parallel universe into another. If you've ever questioned where we go when we dream or if dreams are real, then this will give some answers. Do we live in Multiple Parallel reality? Where does our mind go when we dream? Especially when we dream, is it a possibility that we may be traveling back and forth to a whole another reality, being unaware of ourselves? The debate is going on, like us human beings have been curious and wondering about them throughout history. Countless researchers unveiled many facts about dreaming which has been ongoing till now. According to them: Our mind is classified into 'imaginary' and 'reality'. While ‘imaginary’ is what we consider as 'dreaming', the real i...

Recording Dreams

Dreams can feel awfully real when you’re deep in sleep. Perhaps you find a hidden doorway in your home that leads to entirely new rooms and passageways. Maybe you went to work in your underwear — yikes. When you wake up, you check your closet for that mysterious doorway; maybe you jolt awake in a cold sweat, instantly relieved you still have plenty of time to properly clothe yourself before leaving the house. Regardless, whatever you were experiencing felt very real just moments ago. Dreams are essentially vivid memories that never existed. Yet you find yourself inside an all-encompassing parallel reality, a fantastical world that’s uniquely yours. The trouble with dreams, especially the fun ones, is that they’re fleeting. Often, you can’t remember a thing from a dream just moments after waking — the echo of some feeling is all that remains. But what if you could record your dreams, and play them back for analysis, or even share them with friends? Theoretically, experts say, that might...