Dreams: A Parallel Universe

This truth will shock you and make you re-think next time you sleep or dream. If you want to manifest what you want using law of attraction then you can consider this to dive deeper on the seekers journey. What if we are in dream and when we think we dream we exit from this parallel universe into another. If you've ever questioned where we go when we dream or if dreams are real, then this will give some answers.

Do we live in Multiple Parallel reality? Where does our mind go when we dream? Especially when we dream, is it a possibility that we may be traveling back and forth to a whole another reality, being unaware of ourselves? The debate is going on, like us human beings have been curious and wondering about them throughout history. Countless researchers unveiled many facts about dreaming which has been ongoing till now. According to them: Our mind is classified into 'imaginary' and 'reality'. While ‘imaginary’ is what we consider as 'dreaming', the real is what we term as our 'day-to-day thoughts', or what occurs in the state of being conscious. It is possible that 99% of dreams when we enter into a parallel universe, feels like we were there our entire life.

Master Sri Akarshana – famously known as the Yogi with a Lamborghini; is an international celebrity in the world of the Law of Attraction and Spirituality. Over the years his work has reached out to over 35 million people globally through social media platforms and live events. Master shares a unique message of combining the physical with the metaphysical to achieve results in life.



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