Dreaming Ceremony

Everyone dreams. Psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung have tried to interpret dreams and our subconscious thoughts. Though these modern scientists have provided multiple theories and vast quantities of written analysis, they are by no means the first to have taken on this eternal and elusive subject. Dream interpretation has directly influenced Native American cultural and spiritual beliefs for centuries. American Indians believe dreams influence the conscious soul of the dreamer, oftentimes acting as a means for change in personality traits such as confidence, maturity, kindness, and loyalty.

Dreams have always been a fundamental part of Ojibwe culture and have many purposes.

    Prophecies:  Dreams can show future events that will affect a tribe or individual person.

    Names:  Spiritual leaders can receive the name of a newborn child through dreams.

    Spiritual Strength:  Many Ojibwe people pray, meditate, and fast in order to bring on dreams that will give them spiritual guidance during difficult times.

    Symbolism: Dreamers will often see a symbol that has personal meaning to them throughout their lives.  Many Ojibwe make a charm to keep with them to remind them of the symbol.  Some even take them to the grave when they die for strength in the afterlife.

The Ojibwe people, often referred to by their anglicized name, 'Chippewa', so insightfully understood the importance of dreams, especially in children, that they attempted to assist a child’s ability to receive good dreams and filter out dark or negative dreams with the use of a dream catcher.

Timeless Earth carries a body of Earth Wisdom teachings that was given during an eight-year oral apprenticeship with WindEagle and RainbowHawk. This body of teachings traveled from the lands of South and Central America to the North American continent, always taught through experience and memory, always evolving with each person who agreed to pass along with integrity what they had been given. Its work is to co-create sacred ceremonies in which the People can do the deep work of their hearts. In the container of ceremony, this work takes on the qualities of transformation that allows us to find and then fulfill through time, our destiny as Sacred Human Beings.

At the Center of Timeless Earth we understand that evolution unfolds as a response to the universal impulse to learn and to grow and this underpins our focus and activities. We are committed to creating new programmes for people who have never heard of the Teachings to be touched and inspired by them. From evening Moon ceremonies to two year training journeys, from Solstice and Equinox celebrations to Vision Quests, and Rites of Passage, our work reconnects people with the magic and wisdom of the Earth in ways that are powerful and beautiful. Ceremonies are for those who wish to enter into a deeper relationship with the Earth through participating in ancient practices in a modern context. Training is for those who wish to apply Earth Wisdom to their current and future work in the world.



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