
Showing posts from April, 2021

His Dark Materials

In Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials and The Book of Dust trilogies, Dust or Rusakov particles are elementary particles associated with consciousness that are integral to the plot. Dust features in the multiverse written about in these trilogies and companion books. In these universes, Dust is attracted to consciousness, especially after puberty; the Church within the series associates it with original sin and seeks its end. Pullman described Dust in a 2017 interview as 'an analogy of consciousness, and consciousness is this extraordinary property we have as human beings'. In Northern Lights, Lord Asriel reveals the origins of the term 'Dust' to be from a passage from the slightly alternative version of the Bible in Lyra's world: "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return" (Genesis 3:19). Dust was previously known (in Lyra Belacqua...

The Power Of Heart And Mind

A woman training in healing touch therapy says she tapped into the power of heart and mind to connect with a missing five-year-old child on Saturday and claims she lead searchers to where he was found. The boy went missing just before 2 p.m. on April 10 while camping with family in the Oldman River Valley south of Picture Butte, Alta. Carley Caruso said her mother sent her a text around 8 p.m. to tell her that her father and other family members had gone to the area to help search for the child. Caruso, who grew up in Picture Butte — about 200 kilometres south of Calgary — said that’s when she decided to get grounded and see if she could tap into the boy's energy, using healing touch therapy techniques. Caruso says healing touch is an energy therapy in which practitioners consciously use their hands in a heart-centered and intentional way to support and facilitate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. After working for five years as an environmental scientist, Caruso sa...

The Union Of Thought And Emotion

There is a worldwide shift occurring that connects us all that has the power to alter the realities of humanity. Listen as Gregg Braden talks about the power of human emotion. Science, until now has been based on two false assumptions. The first being that everything is separate from everything else, what happens in one place has no effect on anywhere else. The second false assumption is that our inner experiences such as thought, feeling, belief and emotion, have no effect on the world beyond our physical bodies. The above two scientific assumptions are now being proven to be inaccurate and even experiments have now contributed to prove beyond doubt that our thoughts and emotion do have a very powerful effect on our outside world and that nothing is separate from anything else and that all things are connected. As human beings, we have a deep connection and relationship with the world outside of ourselves in a way that was until now, never understood, acknowledged or even considered b...

Universe Of Emotions

In Buddhism, emotions occur when an object is considered as attractive or repulsive. There is a felt tendency impelling people towards attractive objects and impelling them to move away from repulsive or harmful objects; a disposition to possess the object (greed), to destroy it (hatred), to flee from it (fear), to get obsessed or worried over it (anxiety), and so on. In Stoic theories, normal emotions (like delight and fear) are described as irrational impulses which come from incorrect appraisals of what is 'good' or 'bad'. Alternatively, there are 'good emotions' (like joy and caution) experienced by those that are wise, which come from correct appraisals of what is 'good' and 'bad'. Aristotle believed that emotions were an essential component of virtue. In the Aristotelian view all emotions (called passions) corresponded to appetites or capacities. During the Middle Ages, the Aristotelian view was adopted and further developed by scholasticis...