The Union Of Thought And Emotion

There is a worldwide shift occurring that connects us all that has the power to alter the realities of humanity. Listen as Gregg Braden talks about the power of human emotion. Science, until now has been based on two false assumptions. The first being that everything is separate from everything else, what happens in one place has no effect on anywhere else. The second false assumption is that our inner experiences such as thought, feeling, belief and emotion, have no effect on the world beyond our physical bodies. The above two scientific assumptions are now being proven to be inaccurate and even experiments have now contributed to prove beyond doubt that our thoughts and emotion do have a very powerful effect on our outside world and that nothing is separate from anything else and that all things are connected. As human beings, we have a deep connection and relationship with the world outside of ourselves in a way that was until now, never understood, acknowledged or even considered by mainstream science. Our thoughts, the beliefs we have and the emotional energy of love, joy, gratitude, any form of emotional energy backed by feeling have a deep profound effect on the realities we see and experience in our world. It is now believed and widely accepted that we create and contribute through the power of thought and belief the world we see and the lives we live. Open your mind to new possibilities and how we are all interconnected and how that together we can impact our lives and the lives of others around the world.


  1. Who is the speaker? I would like to see if he has written books...
    It’s an interesting play on semantics- he explains emotions are the force/energy that when connected to thought produces feelings ...
    there is the active or verb tense of emotion- to emote is to give expression to emotion- I wonder if this could be just raw - to emote is to express the energy without thought and therefore feeling...examples fits of rage - destructive energy pattern - no thought or contemplation - no feeling - just raw expression of emotive energy?

    I wonder if this may explain the situation where a person finds themselves in a precarious situation- following some disinhibited act and has no “recollection” of it (black out)? Or perhaps the sleep walker that can carry on activities to meet needs - cook a meal, eat etc.. while being consciously unaware ( no thought or feeling)...

    I would like to read more about this guys ideas.

  2. I mention his name at the start of my preamble, Gregg Braden.
    I like what this guy has to say. I used him in one of my earlier blogs.


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