Consciousness, Dreaming And Reality

Bashar explores the connection between dreaming, reality, and consciousness. He proposes that we are spirit in a dream-like state, and physical reality is a lower frequency vibration of consciousness. The distinction between the dream and true reality is blurred, as they are both expressions of consciousness. To awaken, one must alter the energy pattern within their consciousness and focus on a lower frequency to experience physical reality. Consciousness, being self-aware and the essence of existence, continues to inhabit all experiences, including negative ones, which serve a purpose in the grand scheme of things. Bashar also explains that every experience or frame of consciousness requires all its parts to exist, and shifting focus to a new frame doesn't destroy the old one. Instead, it represents a different level of consciousness experiencing the frame. The concept of reincarnation is redefined as consciousness shifting focus, while the old frame remains unchanged. Our perception of continuity and moving on is rooted in our current level of experience, but we are always changing at a fundamental level.

Bashar discusses the concept of dreaming and reality. He explains that we are spirit dreaming and that physical reality is simply a lower frequency vibration of consciousness. There is no clear line between the dream and true reality, as they are both manifestations of consciousness. The process of waking up from the dream involves altering the pattern of energy within one's consciousness and focusing on a lower frequency to experience physical reality. However, consciousness is always self-aware and cannot cease to exist. It is the expression of existence itself. There will always be consciousness inhabiting all experiences, even negative ones, as they are all part of the greater whole. The journey of awakening involves making choices and focusing on positive experiences, but negative experiences still exist and serve a purpose in the grand scheme of things.

Bashar also explains that every experience or frame of consciousness needs all its parts to exist, and shifting focus to a new frame doesn't destroy the old one. Instead, it represents a different level of consciousness experiencing the frame. The idea of reincarnation doesn't exist in the way we commonly think about it, as consciousness can shift focus but the old frame remains unchanged. Our perception of continuity and moving on comes from our current level of experience, but we are always changing at a fundamental level.

When the telepathic message first awoke in Darryl Anka's mind, the word 'Bashar' came along with it. Darryl assumed this was simply the entity’s name. However, Darryl came to realize, based on Bashar’s descriptions of his own society, that in their world they are all telepathic and do not use names as we do. Since he knew that we would need to call him by some name, the name Bashar was chosen. Bashar is an Arabic word, probably chosen because his heritage is half-Arabic, although Darryl doesn’t speak the language. Darryl had no idea what the word meant until someone fluent in Arabic told him it means 'messenger', or more specifically 'bringer of good news'. Thus, while not literally his name, the word is certainly appropriate to what Bashar does.


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