Portal To Another Planet

Wieteke Koolhof is an interstellar channel and shares a channeled being from the planet Yahyel, by the name of Arjun. Arjun functions as a bridge to information from the Universe, interstellar cross-connections, parallel lives, guides and always the Higher Selves of clients. Sharing ET-Channeling, guided meditations, epic journeys, and self-reflective exercises; Wieteke inspires people to (re)connect with their own multi-dimensionality and to bring these experiences ‘down to earth’ in a practical manner. Due to her own well integrated and life-long experiences with multidimensional contact, Wieteke is able to offer high-quality interstellar channeling sessions for private sessions, many groups, and thousands of individuals from all over the world.

“It is my passion to assist in building the bridge, between our many multi-dimensional facets, so that each can feel whole and complete again. As I know by heart, the integration of our connection to the stars – for many on earth now – contains an essential aspect of that Wholeness.” Wieteke Koolhof


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