Portal To Another Planet

Wieteke Koolhof is an interstellar channel and shares a channeled being from the planet Yahyel, by the name of Arjun. Arjun functions as a bridge to information from the Universe, interstellar cross-connections, parallel lives, guides and always the Higher Selves of clients. Sharing ET-Channeling, guided meditations, epic journeys, and self-reflective exercises; Wieteke inspires people to (re)connect with their own multi-dimensionality and to bring these experiences ‘down to earth’ in a practical manner. Due to her own well integrated and life-long experiences with multidimensional contact, Wieteke is able to offer high-quality interstellar channeling sessions for private sessions, many groups, and thousands of individuals from all over the world. https://www.youtube.com/embed/JsQ7QO0Dnuw “It is my passion to assist in building the bridge, between our many multi-dimensional facets, so that each can feel whole and complete again. As I know by heart, the integration of our connection to ...