
Showing posts from September, 2023

Portal To Another Planet

Wieteke Koolhof is an interstellar channel and shares a channeled being from the planet Yahyel, by the name of Arjun. Arjun functions as a bridge to information from the Universe, interstellar cross-connections, parallel lives, guides and always the Higher Selves of clients. Sharing ET-Channeling, guided meditations, epic journeys, and self-reflective exercises; Wieteke inspires people to (re)connect with their own multi-dimensionality and to bring these experiences ‘down to earth’ in a practical manner. Due to her own well integrated and life-long experiences with multidimensional contact, Wieteke is able to offer high-quality interstellar channeling sessions for private sessions, many groups, and thousands of individuals from all over the world. “It is my passion to assist in building the bridge, between our many multi-dimensional facets, so that each can feel whole and complete again. As I know by heart, the integration of our connection to ...

The Matter With Things

The question of time is fundamental to McGilchrist’s understanding. ‘Time’, he says ‘is […] at the core of what it is to be a human being’ and ‘Our understanding of time ramifies into everything that matters: especially into our understanding of life itself’. Two words are key in comprehending what he has to say: ‘stasis’ and ‘motion’. They embody two ways of understanding time. One is that it comprises a series of instants, the other that it is a continuous flow. In the former case reality ‘is like a cinĂ© film that consists of countless static slices’. This is the left hemisphere view in which ‘things appear simply static and what has to be explained is how motion comes about to this static scene; whereas to the right hemisphere, everything flows, as it is immediately experienced, and what needs to be explained is how stability can arise from this flow’. Here McGilchrist is inviting us to contrast ‘the difference between representations of experience and experience itself’. An example...

The Matter With Things

McGilchrist rightly identifies value as one of the areas which need a major rethink. ‘For the left hemisphere, value is something we invent; which is separate from and, as it were, painted onto the world; and whose function is utility. For the right hemisphere, on the other hand, value is something intrinsic to the cosmos; which is disclosed and responded to’. So, McGilchrist includes ‘value […] as a constitutive element of reality […] as foundational as consciousness’. He identifies three values as fundamental: the ancient principles of truth, goodness and beauty. These are related to each other, but not reducible to anything more basic. In particular he claims that ‘At the core of beauty is the capacity to lead us to truth’. It is indeed something universal. He recalls the response of Amazonian tribesmen hearing Maria Callas singing: ‘we sense there is something sacred here’, they said. Recognizing and appreciating values is largely dependent on the right hemisphere, he claims, so in...

The Matter With Things

So what is this bigger picture? This could be seen as the key question McGilchrist addresses. If there is a bigger picture, then there must also be a smaller one. Obvious? Yes, but recognizing the significance of the obvious is the work of genius. It seems obvious that reality comprises more than one ‘thing’: we do not live in an indistinguishable sea of fog. There is this and there is that. Division is ontologically fundamental, and the existence of the two hemispheres reflects this fact. When we are seeking to understand something we have a choice; we can do it either via reductionism and analysis – investigating its smaller constituents – or we can attempt to seek the thing’s place in a bigger whole. The left hemisphere way is the former, ‘narrow-beam, sharply focused attention’, while the right hemisphere is striving for the holistic view. Science generally goes the way of the left hemisphere (ecology being a possible exception). McGilchrist does not argue against the reductionism ...

The Matter With Things

One of McGilchrist’s central points is that our society is one in which we rely on representations of the world as our way of knowing it. Scientific theories expressed in mathematical form, economic models, photographs – all re-present the reality they purport to describe. They are maps, useful maps, but nevertheless just maps. However, we not only treat them as if they faithfully represent the territory, ‘the map, displaces the terrain that is mapped, and is taken for the reality’. So we live ever more in a virtual world, not the real one. Why should this be? The prism through which McGilchrist explains his ideas is that of the difference between the two sides of the brain. As in his previous and widely acclaimed book, 'The Master and his Emissary', he demonstrates how the two halves perform in distinct though complementary ways. For example, ‘from the left hemisphere’s point of view, imagination […] is a species of lying, from the right hemisphere’s point of view, it is […] n...