Becoming Supernatural

The first section of 'Becoming Supernatural' tells the story of Anna. A woman who developed serious health conditions after her husband committed suicide. Anna developed severe health conditions due to the stress and trauma of that event. Medically speaking, living in stress is like living in constant survival mode. The body’s sympathetic nervous system (fight-or-flight system) turns on and uses a ton of energy in response to the stressor. The body can only deal with short-term stress. The body never resumes a normal state if the pressure doesn’t end. But we can’t live in this 'emergency mode' for extended periods without adverse health and mental health effects.

Thanks to our large brains, humans can think about their problems, relive past events, or worry about the future. In particular, reliving the past or trying to control an unpredictable future can produce the same effect on us as the actual event. Both throw the body off its typical physiological balance. For example, in 'Becoming Supernatural', Anna repeatedly relived the stressful situation and emotions in her mind. Her body couldn’t differentiate between the actual event and the stressful memories. This response effectively threw her body into a constant state of survival. Emotions are the chemical consequences of past experiences. As our senses record information, our neurons reorganize into networks. They then freeze into a particular pattern, which causes the brain to make a chemical sent throughout the body, which is the emotional response. That’s why we can remember events better if we can remember how they feel. The stronger the emotional response, the stronger the change in internal chemistry it causes. The brain tends to pay attention whenever a significant change occurs inside us. It takes a 'snapshot' of that experience, which becomes a memory of that experience. The memory of an event can also become neurologically implanted in the brain, whereby the scene becomes implanted in our grey matter. Like what happened to Anna, the combination of people, objects, scenes, time, and places is etched into our brains as a holographic image. Over time, it becomes a long-term memory.

Constantly reliving a traumatic experience turns on the body’s nervous response. The body uses all of its energy to deal with the constant 'threat', leaving it no energy for growth and repair. This state can also compromise the immune response. In Anna’s case, the repeated inner conflict caused her immune system to attack her body. It was a physical manifestation of the pain and suffering she was going through in her mind. Her mind couldn’t move forward, and her body couldn’t move either. According to Dr. Joe, Anna turned on the stress response by thinking about her problems and past. Her thoughts were making her sick. Since stress hormones are so powerful, she became addicted to her thoughts. Eventually, Anna made an intentional, firm choice to change herself and her life. As we’ll see next, this decision carried the energy she needed to force her body to respond to her mind.

On a cold winter day in February 2011, Anna intentionally chose to change herself and her life. She knew she had to start all over, and that moment redefined her. Anna believed in a new future rather than the familiar past. Through meditation, she combined the power of clear intention and elevated emotions. She then used this combination to change her state of being at a biological level. Anna had to change inside out, starting with her thoughts, habits, and emotions. These had already become hardwired and chemically conditioned into her body, so breaking them would be tough. Anna realized she could train her body to anticipate her future even before it happened. Her unconscious mind didn’t know the difference between real and imagined, so it embraced it as truth.

In 'Becoming Supernatural', Anna understood that the stress chemical coursing through her body had been turning on unhealthy genes. She could turn on healthy genes by embracing elevated positive emotions with more passion than negative ones. Further, Anna learned that genes don’t create disease—instead, the environment signals the gene to create the disease. Thus, if she lived every day with the same emotions from her past, Anna was fostering conditions for the genes to cause illness in her body. By embracing the emotions of her future life and embodying them, Anna could change her genetic expression and align her body with her new future. Over time, Anna could see that her thought patterns had changed. Her brain was no longer firing the same circuits, so the old paths stopped wiring together and started pulling apart. She stopped thinking in the old ways and started feeling gratitude and pleasure for the first time in years.

In 'Becoming Supernatural', Anna had connected to a field of information called the quantum field, where all possibilities exist. She had become a new, healthy person, free from the old Anna in whom the disease thrived. By acting and feeling differently, Anna reinvented herself and, in a sense, was reborn. Anna’s healing is a significant benefit of transcending oneself, but it’s not the only one. There is also a mystical realm of reality. It’s just as transformative as healing but works more profoundly and differently.

Any thought or emotion triggers biochemical reactions in the body that cause the brain to release certain chemicals. These make you feel what you’re thinking. Chemical messengers cause your thoughts to manifest physically. Consequently, you generate more thoughts because of what you’re feeling, and so on. For example, if you have a fearful thought, you start to feel fear. The emotion of fear influences you to think more fearful thoughts, which trigger more chemicals that increase the emotion of fear. The cycle can end up in a loop where your thinking creates a feeling that sparks a vicious thought-feeling cycle. When you repeatedly fire and wire the same circuits in your brain by thinking the same thoughts, you’re hardwiring your brain into a pattern. Your brain becomes an artifact of past thinking to the point it becomes almost automatic and subconscious.


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