Becoming Supernatural

We can’t solve our problems using the same thinking we used when we created them. In his book, 'Becoming Supernatural', Dr. Joe Dispenza argues a vital yet controversial point. Changing our thinking goes far deeper than just changing perspectives. This book is a profound read in which Dr. Joe explores the scientific and mystical realms. Finally, he ties them into a beautiful volume that will change your life. The book explores how one can free themselves from self-imposed yet unjustified limitations. In doing so, we can transcend physical limitations and become who we truly want to become. The 375-page volume also contains many examples and guides to help readers understand and do what it takes to become supernatural.

Dr. Joe explores ideas like time, the gut-brain connection, and magnetic and electrical frequencies. He also dabbles a bit in various lessons drawn from martial arts. Eventually, he concludes that we can all become supernatural. What exactly does becoming supernatural mean? By his definition at the beginning of the book, Dr. Joe claims the supernatural is achieving a state where you can change your body by thought alone. It’s being greater than your body and overcoming challenges in your environment that most 'normal' people wouldn’t. Finally, Becoming supernatural is about ability and possibility. It’s about changing a predictable future into something greater than time. But understanding how to become supernatural is your journey.

Born on 22nd March 1962, Dr. Joe Dispenza is a chiropractor, writer, and speaker. His primary focus areas have been epigenetics, quantum physics, and neuroscience. Dr. Joe Dispenza is a bestselling author of books like 'Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself', 'You Are The Placebo', and 'Becoming Supernatural'. He’s also featured in several documentaries, notably 'Heal, Rewired, and What The Bleep Do We Know'. Further, his work has earned him acclaim and criticism in equal measure, and it’s easy to understand why. As he describes his journey, he’s observed that the world is divided into the explained and the unexplained. Unfortunately, most people are conditioned to accept what is explainable by science. This is never the case with everything. Our reality is intertwined with things that conventional science cannot explain. In his words, 'common people are doing the uncommon', and this is what Dr. Joe Dispenza says pushed him to work on his book, 'Becoming Supernatural'. In a world surrounded by the mundane, there’s seemingly a significant amount of what would be considered out of this world. Having experienced and recorded several of these, he evaluated this phenomenon scientifically. Eventually, his findings culminated in a book.


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