The Power Of Consciousness

You talk about, again in your first book, about how cells automatically move away from toxicity, and towards nutrition. And it seems that, as human beings that’s something that we’re trying to do, but we get it wrong a lot of the time. We’re trying to move away from unhappiness, or what we think makes us unhappy and towards what we think makes us happy. But we get it muddled up don’t we?

Well, yah.  But do you see… the key word you said there was “what we think makes us happy". I mean, I was caught in that whole daze too before I became aware I thought at one point, wow I’m going to buy that little… you know that car. I bought a car that looked like a Ferrari called a Pantera back in the 70s. And I thought, “Okay I’m going to be happy, I got this great car.” So I got the car and about three days later it’s like, “Now I got this car, and I’m not any happier and as a matter of fact I got three speeding tickets every day I took the car out, because of course I couldn’t go 30 miles an hour with it. So well… every day the car became a burden to me. And all of the sudden I said, “You know, that whole program that that Ferrari is going to make you happy… that was a mis-program”. It wasn’t the car that makes you happy and I started to find out, it wasn’t the material things that make you happy. What makes you happy? Love makes you happy. Good food will make you happy. Harmony in your environment makes you happy. These things… harmony in the environment; what’s the price tag on that? Having a relationship with somebody that supports you and fulfills you. Where’s the price tag? We always thought, “Oh money gives you happiness”. So we had all those billions of people out there every day running in the streets saying “How much money can I make because I get a lot of money I’m going to be happy”. And then they find out, even people with the most money are not happy. And it was that the programming was wrong. If we were programmed to seek out companionship and community and love, that’s where you make us happy. It changes the whole game.

But it’s almost as if we have to go through a process of finding certain things don’t work, to find out what does work for us.

Well that’s true. But then the question is this: how many people go through the process, find it doesn’t work and then repeat the process and it doesn’t work again? It’s like “Oh, oh yah, I’ve been married four times!” Somebody will say, “God they repeated the same error already three times with the ideas…” You think that by the fourth time maybe you could learn that the pattern you played three times in a row will probably play itself again until you change? Not your partner. You keep bringing in the same partner with different colored hair and a different name, but you’re still, you brought that person in, and you play the same game over again. The question is, can you learn? The answer is, you can. But do many people learn? The answer is no, because they keep thinking that it’s just my fate, you know… it’s just the way life is.

The subconscious still remains unconscious.

That’s the problem and until you change the subconscious program… the subconscious is a habitual mind, it’s a habit. Until you change the habit, you will replay the habit. That’s why it’s called the habit; see… you keep replaying the same program. It’s like the definition of insanity is the idea of keep doing the same thing, and expect something different to happen. The fact is though, that’s insane. Why keep doing the same thing? You get the same thing. And if the habit mind is giving us a story, then the answer says, “How do I change it?” Change the subconscious mind, because that’s where the habits are that we’ve got from other people. Again, this is most important; the fundamental habits of the subconscious mind came from other people. That’s why they rarely match what you want in your conscious mind, which is you. And you create those programs. And yet the fundamental programs of the subconscious were downloaded during that first six years of our development.

At the beginning of the book you have a dedication which I really like and I wrote it out. You dedicate it to ‘Gaia, the mother of us all, may she forgive us our trespass.’ I think there’s a little wisdom in that… in that quote.

When I finally started to realize the very simple truth that it was like an old spiritual word, but I now understand the biological connotation of it - that we were made in the image of the environment -and so we are complements to the environment. And yet what we have done is, without being aware that our biology is dependent on the environment, we have systematically undermined and destroyed Mother Nature and Gaia. And in the process now we’re finding we are threatened with our own extinction and the fact is… we didn’t know what we we’re doing. But the question is: will Gaia allow us to come back? And the answer is: absolutely! Because just as much as a person can come back from the edge of death, with something called the spontaneous remission - even though science has already recognized we are facing our extinction, so we could say that we’re a terminal patient and humanity is a terminal patient - the concept of changing our belief system, will allow the garden to come right back to fullness again. So we are in a learning stage to remove ourselves from the beliefs of our current civilization which undermine not just the humans, but the environment that we’re in. And the problem is, we were created as a complement to a certain environment. Since we are destroying that environment, then we are no longer complements to our environment, then we don’t fit by definition. And that is why science has recognized we are facing our extinction. So… I’d like to apologize to Nature by saying “Gee I’m really sorry. We didn’t get it, but we’re learning!” More and more people, especially the younger people, they are importantly recognizing that you cannot destroy this environment and survive and that we must pull together and honor Gaia, the mother of us all. Because by returning our love back to Gaia, Gaia will give us back the love and the life that we can have on this planet.

Something you look at in Spontaneous Evolution too, is how science and spirituality are coming together. They used to be very separate. The scientific way, which is very factual driven - that’s that - and you couldn’t change it. Spirituality was trying to open up things but… they really are meeting now aren’t they?

It was interesting because the spiritual world of religion was talking about the invisible moving forces that shape the physical reality and we call them ‘Spirit'. Then science only came into existence because it made a detente with the church in the very early days of science and said, “Look, we won’t tread on your invisible spiritual domain, we will just study the physical world.” And when Newton was able to predict the movements of the planets by just looking at the physical features, then scientists got the ideas… well, if you can understand how the universe operates by just studying the material world, then we don’t need that invisible stuff. But in 1925, Newtonian physics was incorporated subsumed by a bigger physics called Quantum Physics and Quantum Physics emphasizes the universe is made out of energy. It’s not made out of matter. And then I say, “What do the quantum physicists call this energy that the universe is made out of?” And they call it ‘The Field'. I say: “What’s the definition of the field?” They say, ‘invisible moving forces that influence the physical world’. I go, “My goodness, that’s the same spiritual definition that is used for spirit.” Quantum Physics emphasizing the invisible field as primary to the physical world, is essentially reiterating the statement of the spiritual people who talked about the invisible forces shaping our physical existence. And so by definition, science - the new science of Quantum Physics - is bringing us back into alignment with the spiritual reality. Hopefully, the dogmatic beliefs of the church which had talked about these wonderful terms, but didn’t allow us to live there and science, which is still stuck in its material plane, will both divest themselves of their dogma and allow us to come together and recognize we’re all part of that invisible field. That we don’t even live in our own bodies if you understand the nature of how the cell works. We are part of the field being downloaded into our body. That we are all, by definition, the field, or are all spiritual: same definition. And if we recognize this, the unity of it and that you cannot be taken out of the field and you cannot be, in a sense, punished by the field. You are the field, and then maybe the beliefs, those very restrictive beliefs from both science and from dogmatic religion, will disappear. Because the people owning their own spirituality, owning their own responsibility and not saying, “Oh it’s spirits that did this” …and that we are the creators will generate a new world.  Because what I firmly believe is very simple. Go out and talk to the average person anywhere in the world and say, “If you could create a world, what would you like?”  “Oh I’d like a world where there is peace and harmony and I’d like some food and a job.” And I go, “Isn’t it amazing how everywhere you go in the world, virtually the entire population has the same belief? How come we don’t have any?” And the answer is because the leadership isn’t exercising that belief. So, I trust the people to take over the leadership of this world. And that the structure that is, is actually in a state of collapse. When it collapses, this will be our opportunity to evolve from the very destructive Darwinian perception of the world, into a more holistic holism that says we’re all part of the same system. We are all cells in the same body and when we work together, we will create magic on this earth like nothing that’s ever been seen before. So I am very optimistic about that.


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