The Power Of Consciousness

Something else you talk about in the book, which I found quite fascinating, was the placebo effect and the nocebo affect.

It’s funny because a lot of people understand what the placebo effect is. And what is it? It’s interesting because medical science has revealed that from one-third to two-thirds, which is significant, of all healing, whether it’s drug related, or surgery, or whatever healing process, the healing didn’t come about form the process. The healing came about because the person believed the process was going to heal them. So if I gave you this brand new drug, and it’s purple colored, because that makes it really special you know. And it’s funny because there is a drug, a purple drug, and they said “It’s purple” and everybody’s like, “That’s got to be real special!” But people believe that the drug holds this effect. And you give a person this drug, all the sudden they themselves say, “Yah the drug did it.” And then you tell them later, it was just a sugar pill and that healing didn’t come from the drug, it came from the belief in the drug. So, the belief in healing…

So it comes back to the mind again, doesn’t it?

It’s again the power of belief. In this case it’s a very positive belief that this procedure, drug or whatever, is going to heal me. But what people haven’t talked about, because everyone knows about the placebo effect, is that the placebo effect is based on a positive thinking. What is the consequence of negative thinking? Ah… well science has a term for it, but it really hasn’t come out in the public, it’s called the ‘nocebo effect'. And the nocebo effect, it has been revealed by science, a negative thought can not only make you ill, but a negative thought could also kill you.  You can be scared to death in a real sense, okay? And why is that important? Because it turns out, it’s not just the positive thought of placebo that’s influential, the negative though works the same way, with the same power, but in the opposite direction. So basically it’s not placebo/nocebo, it comes down simply to this… it’s the power of thought. A positive thought will move you in a healing direction and a negative thought will move you into an illness direction. But before I get off that topic, I don’t want people out there in the audience and go, ‘he’s one of those positive thinking kind of guys’. It’s more than just positive thinking. It’s a commitment and an intention of positive thinking. It also really needs the support of your subconscious belief, because if your subconscious belief is going ‘oh that new age weirdo stuff’. That’s what your subconscious is programmed to believe and yet your conscious mind is the one that says, “I will think positive thoughts”.  And I go back to the data, only 5% of your life is coming from the conscious mind. So if you are only entertaining a positive thought with your conscious mind, you’re only contributing 5% of that to your life; 95% of your life is still coming from the subconscious. And if the subconscious doesn’t hold those beliefs, then you are actually fighting yourself and not likely to realize the expression of a positive thought.

So let’s look at this again, practically. Someone’s not feeling well, they’ve got, I don’t know… they’ve got the flu, or they’ve got something with their stomach or something. What should they practically do? They should presumably go to the doctor and get a diagnosis, would you go along with that? I’m just trying to see where this goes in day to day life.

I wouldn’t say don’t go to a doctor. But what I would say is, before you go to a doctor, just look around and think about this: what’s going on in your life? Where are the stressors coming from? Because it’s almost your physiological expression, is a complement to your life experiences. Those people that are happy are healthy. As I said, when you are in the honeymoon, you didn’t get sick in the honeymoon. That’s when you were absolutely healthy. But when you got caught back up into real life, that’s when the illnesses start to occur. So we always look at, ‘Oh, I must be sick, there must be something wrong with my biology’.  When it turns out, it didn’t begin with your biology. Only about 2% of illness is actually connected to genetics, let’s say. 98% of illness is not just genetics, it’s the environment. So when a person says, “I have the breast cancer gene”, people think ‘I am going to get breast cancer’. And I say, “Well wait, wait, 50% of the women with the breast cancer gene get cancer. What about the 50% that have the gene and didn’t get the cancer?” We never study that side; we only study the side that got the cancer. And you find out, ‘what is it that the 50% do, that don’t have the cancer yet, but have the gene, what’s the difference?’ The answer is their lifestyle is different. Their stresses, their fears, their concerns are not the same as the ones that get the illness. The gene, give you a propensity to get a disease, but the propensity is based on how you perceive life. And it’s interesting; studies showed that when children get adopted into a cancer family, the adopted child will get the cancer with the same percentage or probability, as any of the natural siblings. And you say ‘Yah, but the child came from totally different genetic stock.’ And the point is yes, it wasn’t the genes that promoted the cancer, it was the lifestyle that promoted the cancer, especially the lifestyle of stress. Well if stress is causing lifestyle… I look around at the world and I go, “My God, no wonder everybody is sick”. Every day is filled with more stress than the day before. And if you buy into the stress, you take that disharmonious vibration, essentially and bring it in your life and you end up with disharmony inside your body. Your life is a reflection of what you see.

It’s a question of going back a few steps, that’s what I’m hearing and just looking to see… I’m not feeling well and I had the same thing last year. What’s behind that? Am I happy in my life, what is emotionally happening? What is happening physically? Am I doing the right things to support my body? It’s a fundamental look isn’t it?

I don’t want to say, don’t go to the doctor. So I will go back just 20 years ago, the last time I went to a doctor. I went to a doctor because I had pneumonia and I said to myself, I can see why at that moment in my life, there was so much stress going on, that I could see that I had opened my system up to that. But then I also realized… OK, I can handle this with my consciousness. But then I realized that the bacteria were doubling and growing faster than I could handle my consciousness. So I said… OK, now is the time for some penicillin. But the concept of it was, I don’t rely on the penicillin. All I have to say is, I get back on my feet and I go, “It was my responsibility. If I don’t get into that same stressful situation again, then I won’t have to go through this again.” And it’s been 20 years.

So it’s intelligent learning?

Don’t disguard the element of medicine until your consciousness gets high. And the fact is, when people have lower consciousness - because they are not strong enough in their consciousness to really manifest everything they want - they really need to take care of themselves more. Eat better, better nutrition. Do more exercise. Just do these things to add to your health. But the surprising thing is, if you get more and more and more conscious, there is a point where you get so conscious, then you become like… the person we refer to as Jesus, who does all these miracles.  And what did Jesus say about the miracles? He said, “You can do these better than I can do them, but you don’t believe”. And that is the absolute truth, because when you fully have control of your consciousness, with that belief, you do create the miracles. The miracles of spontaneous remission for example. A person terminally ill, who all of the sudden says, “I’m not buying this, I’m going to change my vision of life.” And the moment they change their perception, they have what’s called a spontaneous remission. Again, that would be called a miracle, but what was it? Taking full control of consciousness and manifesting a life of being fully conscious and present and seeing what brings harmony into your life. Avoiding, or eliminating, as best you can, any of the disharmony that exists on the outside, because disharmony will make disharmony inside.

How I am hearing this is the subconscious you talked about earlier, is often unconscious. And by what you are talking about, the subconscious, the unconscious, becomes conscious. And through that change can happen.

Then the consciousness can go back and redo it. Because the conscious is the one that has the perspective and you become your subconscious. It’s very interesting because, what I talk about is, look: people heal themselves innately, for a million years before there were medical schools, Ok? Because we are innately able to heal ourselves. You cut yourself, you don’t really need a doctor to heal the cut. The cut heals by itself and all the illnesses can. But then I say, your subconscious, which was programmed in the first six years, go back to six years. And I would say, in a conventional family, that when a child got sick in the family, or any member of the family got sick, the conventional phrase they heard was, “Oh, we have to take Billy to the doctor” or “Mom has to go to the doctor.” What did we learn as a program? It says, if I am sick, it didn’t say ‘heal yourself’, that wasn’t the lesson. The lesson was, when I am sick, I have to go see this doctor. And here’s the joke: you ask a lot of people that get sick and go to the doctor, ask them and they’ll say, “You know it was really funny, I got well on the way to the doctor” or “I got well waiting in the doctor’s office.” And I go, you know that’s funny, but it’s not a joke for this reason, “You are always able to heal yourself until you got a program. What was the program? Go to the doctor.” So, basically, which I love about it, because nobody said what the doctor had to do. You just had to go to the doctor. So the point was, these people are sick, but they’ve got a program that says I’m sick but I can’t heal myself. Why? Because I didn’t go to the doctor. So they make a commitment. They go to the doctor and on the way to going to the doctor, or in the doctor’s presence, they completed the commitment. Because they never said the doctor had to do anything. They just had to go and at that moment, all of the sudden, the innate ability to heal themselves started working. And then they find themselves in the doctor’s waiting room feeling “God I feel a lot better than I did when I got here.” And the answer was: because you made a program of limitation, then you succeeded by following the program, by showing up, and that’s all you had to do. Because all you had to do was go see the doctor.


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