The Power Of Consciousness

Well, the first thing is this; the work shows that your mind’s perception of the world changes your biology, the chemistry of your body, which changes your cells. And I said OK, if you can control how your mind operates, then you can control your chemistry, but then here’s where the problem comes from: there’s two parts to the mind. The conscious mind, which has your personal identity, your spirit, your source attached with it – is a creative mind. The conscious mind can see into the future, it can review the past; solve problems. The subconscious mind, the other mind, is more of a habit mind. That’s when you learn how to do something; and when you learn how to do it, you don’t have to think about it, it’s automatic. Well, most of us walk around in the world thinking that we’re running our lives with our creative mind. I might say, “Emmett, what do you want out of your life?” And you would say, “Oh I want to be healthy and have great relationships” and then you would try to say that ‘I am running my life with these beliefs’. But science has now revealed that we only run our lives with our conscious mind at most about five percent of the time.

So we are running on these subconscious programs?

Ninety-five percent of the time. And then the issue is, so where did you get the fundamental programs that you operate from? And here is the thing I learned: it’s in the first six years of our lives that the brain is in a functional state, an EEG state, the electrical activity, that is - not even in consciousness - a child doesn’t even reach conscious brain function until about six. So for the first six years of your life, your brain function is at a lower frequency, it’s called theta, which is like a hypnogogic trance, a hypnosis. So the first six years of your life you’re like a television camera, recording everything around you, everything you observe just going from your observations into your programing. So, we acquire beliefs and attitudes and behaviors, not from ourselves, but from our parents and our family and our community. These become the fundamental beliefs. A very interesting point, the Jesuits were very proud and they would say: “Give me a child until it is six or seven and it will belong to the church for the rest of its life”. What they were saying was what they knew, what science is now finding out; the first six years are programming. And whatever programming you get, that will be the rest of your life. So that’s why they said, “Just give me the first six years” and it turns out, they were precise. The first six years is downloading programming, that’s when you get your behaviors from those around you. 

So you were able, by realizing this, to then look at how you were living your life on a practical level and say, “I am not going to be governed by these pre-programs. I am going to live my life in a more conscious way”. Am I oversimplifying this?  

That’s a fundamental statement of how it works, but it’s not as easy as, “Oh, ok I’ll just change my thinking because the thinking is not that much in our control. The brain is operating, as I said, ninety-five percent from the subconscious. 

Yes. But how did you actually then get results, in a relatively short space of time? 

Well the first thing is, how does the subconscious learn? And that’s a very critical thing. The conscious mind can learn from reading a book. So the subconscious mind can read a self-help book and you go, “Wow, that sounds really great!” Then you find that you read the book, but your life is still the same. Why?  And the answer is that it turns out the subconscious mind is more of a habit mind, things that you repeat over and over again. So the reality is - if you can stay conscious - be present and when those negative thoughts come into our head, and psychologists tells us seventy percent of the time the thoughts going through our head are negative and redundant, so the same negative thoughts are going through. If you could stop those thoughts, if you could hear them as they come through, like “Oh that’s not going to work”, or “This will never happen” those kind of thoughts, if you can hear them and stop them consciously and say “No”… and change the belief right there, just give them a more positive thing. As you repeat this more frequently and keep repeating it, the subconscious mind begins to learn. So as a habit, if you stay conscious, you have to work at it. And here’s why: people say “How come only five percent from conscious mind and ninety-five from subconscious?” Because the conscious mind can think into the future, and think into the past, and solve problems. Then think about it yourself, most of the time you’re thinking about something. Well if you’re thinking, you’re using the conscious mind. Well if you’re using the conscious mind for thinking, then who’s running the show? And the answer is, when you are not paying attention, and when you are thinking about what you are going to do tomorrow, your subconscious is running the show. Be present, be mindful. 

Which we hear a lot. Be mindful, which really means be aware of what’s going on. So you get an automatic reaction; you’re aware of that and say, “I don’t want to go there, that’s an old pattern” and you look at a new way to be in that situation. 

Exactly! And you have to repeat it over and over again because if you think, “Well I got mad at myself yesterday because I repeated that same stupid thing; and I got mad again today because I repeated the same stupid thing”, then people give up, because they get frustrated… but it’s like, “No-no-no… it’s a habit”. So you have to do it every day, but ultimately you can repeat it. Yet there are fortunately now very many new healing modalities that can help you rewrite the subconscious beliefs much faster. So, I get very excited because some of this may take work for people because you have to really be present. And yet we are so bombarded with information and our lives are so busy, that our conscious mind is almost always wandering, trying to resolve issues and problems and things that we have to work out, which then means the subconscious mind is running the show. It’s very interesting because most people will be very familiar with this story... I tell it to my audiences and they all laugh because they are familiar with it. I say, “Look, you have a very close friend, you know your friends behavior, and you happen to know your friends parent. And at some point you see that your friend shares the same behavior as their parent. So you casually volunteer, you go - you know Bill, you’re just like your dad!” And that’s when you have to back away from Bill. Because Bill is the first guy that says, “How could you compare me to my dad?” And everyone laughs because they’re familiar, but I say no look ‘there’s two very profound points from that one story. Profound point number one: everybody else can see that Bill behaves like his dad.  He got his programming from his dad. It’s only Bill who doesn’t see it. And profound point number two: we are all Bill, because all of us… got programming and all of us operate with these programs and we don’t even see we’re doing it. Even when told we’re doing it, we’ll deny that we do these behaviors because we don’t even see what we’re doing. That’s why it’s called subconscious, below conscious. 

Because you went from - and I’m quoting from your book - “Wanting to be anyone but me” to being (I think you quote yourself) as “the happiest man in the world”. You felt so happy. So you proved this can work. 

Well I had to because as I said, when I first started talking about it, it was from an academic conscious point of view. This is what I learned but, my subconscious programs were still just exactly the same. So, while I had this wonderful knowledge, my life still wasn’t anything I wanted to brag about, because it wasn’t. And as that old game, ‘who would you like to be?’ I could think of anybody I’d rather be than me. And yet, when I started to apply the new science and rewrite the subconscious so it supported me rather than the programs of limitations, or disempowerment that we get from our parents and our community, as children, which almost all of us get.  When I put in the new programs, all of the sudden I started to find - my goodness my life completely turned around. All wonderful things started happening in my life. I was healthier, I haven’t been to a doctor in twenty years. So I don’t need that. I don’t take any of their drugs. Why?  Because most of the illness is from the stress of not living in harmony. And when you learn to get rid of the limiting programming that we got as children and put in programs that support you, guess what? All of the sudden, the place turns into heaven. And it’s interesting because I tell people, “You create your own life” and then they look around and go, “I don’t want responsibility for this”, but I say “Well you didn’t know you were creating with these unconscious beliefs”. And yet, then I tell people, especially people that have fallen in love, people that have fallen head over hills in love I say, “Go back to that time when you first fell in love and let me ask you a question, were you healthy?”  ‘Oh yah, I was healthy as anything’. I say “Did you have energy?” They say ‘Oh, I had so much energy I made love so many days in a row without even eating’. And I go “how was life for you”? ‘It was so exciting; I couldn’t wait for the next day’. So I said, “In this little period” that you know I refer to as a honeymoon, I say “Wasn’t life like heaven on earth?” And they go ’Yah!’  And I go, “You know, that was not an accident; that was an actual creation.”  And you say, ‘But what was different that made life so heaven on earth during love?’ And the answer is: because you become very self-conscious of yourself, you don’t rely on the habits. The day before you meet this person you are going to go on a date, I say (especially to the women) “How long did it take you to get dressed?” They say ‘It was 15 minutes then I was out of the house’. Then I say, “Now tonight, you are going to go on a date with this person who has just rocked your world, how long does it take you to get dressed”? They say, “My God, it may take an hour or two.”  Yesterday 15 minutes, today an hour or two. What’s the difference? Yesterday I got dressed by habit. Because I get dressed every day. But tonight, I am looking in the mirror. Meaning I am self-conscious. I am making sure that I represent myself to be the fully, the best individual, that I can be. And when both parties are not relying on the habit, and both of them are saying, “I’m creating the best I can be,” they’re living in the moment of the now, they are being very mindful, they are being very present, and guess what? Heaven on earth is created. Unfortunately, life gets busy, it’s hard to stay present… And meeting as well, they’re truly meeting.  Which is also very rare, unfortunately. And why is that important? Because it did demonstrate that you did create this period and it’s available to you all the time if you knew how not to get stuck in the old habits.


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