The Power Of Consciousness

One of the things that I really found fascinating in your book, is the fact that we all have approximately 50 trillion cells in our body and these cells are all self-sufficient. They have their own memory, they have their own immune system. In fact, you also go on to say that for 2.75 billion years, there was only one-celled organisms alive on the planet. Yah, and the nature is, as the single cell evolved to be the most intelligent it could be, it ran into a physical limitation, because intelligence is physically tied up with the membrane, or skin of the cell. You can only have so much membrane. So evolution apparently stopped. It was like two and a half billion years, just these single-celled organisms, then someone asked “How can you have more evolution?" And the answer is: cells started to come together into community, because when cells come into community they share awareness. So there’s more awareness with ten cells than there is with one cell. And there’s more awarene...