Consciousness And The Imagination

Imagination. The word has a range of meanings. It may conjure up a state of mind like daydreaming in which thoughts flow freely and particularly vivid or novel ideas occur. This kind of imagining can be purely private. It can take place unobserved inside a person’s head. Imagination also invokes the intense creativity, which goes into producing works of art. In this case there is an outward expression. A product which communicates to others and may find a place within culture.

Imagination may play a role in many thought processes and creativity is part and parcel of many day-to-day activities. While imaginative activity is frequently individual, the idea of the artist working away isolated in the Garrett, it also strong links to social interaction. For many adults a major source of imaginative participation may be as the audience of a film, TV program, or drama production, but the process of engagement is no less important. A first step in understanding imagination is to consider what psychological processes are involved, for instance forming mental images.

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