Are Memories Stored In Brains?

Morphic fields underlie our mental activity and our perceptions, and lead to a new theory of vision, as discussed in 'The Sense of Being Stared At'. The existence of these fields is experimentally testable through the sense of being stared at itself. There is already much evidence that this sense really exists. The morphic fields of social groups connect together members of the group even when they are many miles apart, and provide channels of communication through which organisms can stay in touch at a distance. They help provide an explanation for telepathy. There is now good evidence that many species of animals are telepathic, and telepathy seems to be a normal means of animal communication, as discussed in the book 'Dogs That Know When Their Owners are Coming Home'. Telepathy is normal not paranormal, natural not supernatural, and is also common between people, especially people who know each other well.

In the modern world, the commonest kind of human telepathy occurs in connection with telephone calls. More than 80% of the population say they have thought of someone for no apparent reason, who then called; or that they have known who was calling before picking up the phone in a way that seems telepathic. Controlled experiments on telephone telepathy have given repeatable positive results that are highly significant statistically, as summarized in 'The Sense of Being Stared At' and described in detailed technical papers. Telepathy also occurs with emails, as shown in my paper 'An Automated Test for Telepathy in Connection with Emails', Journal of Scientific Exploration 2009.

The morphic fields of mental activity are not confined to the insides of our heads. They extend far beyond our brain through intention and attention. We are already familiar with the idea of fields extending beyond the material objects in which they are rooted: for example magnetic fields extend beyond the surfaces of magnets; the earth's gravitational field extends far beyond the surface of the earth, keeping the moon in its orbit; and the fields of a cell phone stretch out far beyond the phone itself. Likewise the fields of our minds extend far beyond our brains.


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