
Neil deGrasse Tyson asks Richard Dawkins whether humans really are the most intelligent species in the universe or rather is it our hubris that makes us to believe in the same.

Just like with 98% of the human and chimp DNA are the same and with only 2% change in the DNA, we possess such greater powers than the Chimp. Then imagine what are the possibilities of having a life form slightly different than that of ours.

Intelligent life may be in it's 'very young' stage in the observable Universe. Its 200 billion galaxies show a clear potential to continue on as we see them today for hundreds of billions of years, if not much longer. "Because planets and life are so young in our Universe", says Harvard's Dimitar Sasselov, "perhaps the human species are not late comers to the party. We may be among the early ones."

That may explain why we see no evidence of 'them' and may go a long way to explaining the famous Fermi Paradox, which asks if there's advanced intelligent life in the Universe, where are they? Why haven't we discovered any evidence of their existence?


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