Alternate Realities

What if I told you that the Earth that you and I exist in right now maybe one of many Earths. Many strange things have occurred over the centuries that have puzzled philosophers and scientists alike, changing the perception about what we thought we knew about our world, but none have been more world shaking than the several pieces of evidence that tie together to suggest that our world may not be the only one of its kind. In fact, there maybe other worlds, or for that matter, other realities.

Here are 10 pieces of evidence that alternate realities exist.

Number one is the double slit experiment.

The double slit experiment was set up to fire electrons at a piece of material with two slits in it to see how they impacted the wall behind the material. What the researchers discovered that instead of producing two slit marks on the wall behind the sheet, it produced a wave-like pattern, so instead of acting like particles the electrons seem to act like waves, interfering with each other even when only one was fired at a time. Stranger still is that when they added a camera to see which slit individual electrons were going through, suddenly, they started acting more like particles, producing only two slit like shapes on the wall. This observation suggested that the electrons were aware that they were being observed. The electrons are actually existing in multiple places at once in what's known as superposition, which in and of itself proves that A, we don't know as much about the universe as we thought we knew, and B, it's possible that a number of things exist in multiple places, i.e. different realities.

Number two are unexplained artifacts.

There have been many artifacts found over time in archeological dig sites, that based on carbon dating should not have existed during that time. Ruins of old civilizations for example have been found dating back to a time when human life was said to not exist such as the London hammer found in the 1930s but belonging to a time over 500 million years ago. There was also the Antikythera mechanism known as the first analog computer made of bronze gears dating back to around 100 to 150 B.C. Nobody seems to be able to explain who these artifacts were developed in societies that lacked such advanced technological knowledge, leading many to believe that they may have slipped through a parallel universe into ours. 

Number three are repeating universes.

There are many who claim that the Big Bang itself could be proof that there are other worlds. One theory suggests that the Big Bang Theory was so powerful it created along with the universe and everything in it something called the eternal return. The eternal return suggests that our universe is bound to repeat itself over and over again. If this were so, it could also mean that there may be an infinite number of parallel universes which could contain a world exactly like ours with the same people, stories, and history, though it could also differ ever so slightly. An infinite number of universes with an infinite number of variables. For example, you might have brown eyes in this world, but in another world, everything about you would be the same except that you would have blue eyes instead.

Number four is supernatural activity.

Throughout the years, there have been many supposed sightings of ghosts and other paranormal activity, but while many think that this is evidence of an afterlife in that the supernatural beings are actually deceased people from the past, others believe that they might actually be living beings from a parallel universe. Ghosts may actually be a vision through breaches between planes and into alternate realities and timelines that exist almost in unison with ours. The spectral humans that so many have claimed to have witnessed might actually be flickering into our world from theirs, and by that same logic, you might also be occurring on their side too. Who knows, you might actually be appearing as a ghost to someone in another reality. Another explanation for ghostly apparitions could be that there are humans that live alongside us, but exist in a realm that we can't actually perceive with our senses.

Number five is the fourth dimension.

Our current understanding of the universe as it is exists through our perception of the three dimensions we exist in, length, width, and height, but we're actually able to get glimpses into the fourth dimension from time to time. With the fourth dimension in existence, that suggests that there may be a fifth or even a sixth. The fourth dimension is only theoretically known to exist and is something that only a few mathematicians and physicists can fully comprehend. While some mystics call the fourth dimension a spiritual plane, a place where energy is self-aware and conscious in many ways, scientists have presented many ideas using quantum theories about this. They say that breaching the fourth dimension barrier would essentially be traveling through time and landing on what can only be described as an alternate Earth. Whatever the parameters are for existence in dimensions beyond our own, if we were ever able to experience them, it will change how we view reality forever.

Number six is the Large Hadron Collider.

The Large Hadron Collider is the largest and most powerful particle accelerator built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN. Located in Switzerland, there are many speculations and conspiracy theories around what this ultra powerful machine is actually being used for. Aside from studying microscopic particle collisions, at one-third the speed of light and proving the existence of the Higgs-Boson, or the God particle, they've been discovering more and more evidence to prove the existence of alternate worlds, and much of this has to do with gravity. The force of gravity that blankets our Earth and keeps us in rotation with the sun is actually a weaker force than that of a fridge magnet that you put on your fridge. Through studies conducted with the Large Hadron Collider, there is an idea that the force of gravity on our world is quite weak because the gravitons that conduct its power are spread out throughout universes parallel to our own. Through the creation of microscopic black holes in the collider, the gravitons in our universe could leak through into the next, providing convincing evidence of extra dimensions or universes.

Number seven are dreams.

Despite science being able to explain numerous things, we are not that much closer to understanding how our brains work. Aside from pinpointing which location on the brain a thought or action comes from, there's still so much that is unknown. One of these unknown phenomenon are dreams. No one truly knows what dreams actually are with theories suggesting that they're brain's way of filing away memories or shutting down to deal with physical or mental stress. However, some scientists suggest that once in REM sleep, it's the closest we'll ever get to an alternate world. The ability to travel through time and space in your dreams may hint towards what the experience in another plane of existence would be like. Whether it's a lucid dream or just a regular one, the thought of being able to glance straight into an alternate world and experience things you wouldn't normally go through while awake is truly fascinating.

Number eight is the visitor from Taured.

A man arrived at the Tokyo International Airport back in 1954 with everything that he needed, his wallet, tickets, passport, everything. However, the passport that he carried brought him some trouble. Claiming to be from a place called Taured, this Caucasian man insisted that none of his papers were fake, showing his driver's license and bank statements. He even stated that Taured was a European country with thousands of years of history. None of the institutions listed in his statements or credentials could vouch for this man's existence, let alone his country of origin. When shown a map, the man became aggravated, insisting that where the country of Andorra was shown, Taured should be. The man was taken to a hotel near the airport and was placed under constant supervision while the police launched a proper investigation, but that is when things got really weird when the man disappeared from his guarded hotel room along with his credentials which were kept in airport security.

Number nine is Lerina Garcia Gordo.

On July 16th, 2008, 41 year old Lerina woke up to find her bed sheets were different than the one she had laid on the night before. Shrugging it off, she went to work using the routes that she had been using for the past seven years and walking through the office like she had done normally on a daily basis, but when she got to what she believed was her office, her name was replaced on the door. Verifying that she was on the right floor, Lerina realized that none of her co-workers looked familiar. It was as if she had woken up and landed on different planet other than her own. She was even dating a man she knew of as her ex, and the man she remembered dating for the last four months didn't actually exist anymore. While some claim this to be a lapse in memory, many others believe her story to be solid proof of a parallel universe where others are living their lives right besides ours.

And number 10 is alter vu and the Mandela effect.

Nearly everyone has experienced deja vu, but what's even more peculiar is alter vu, when someone remembers a completely different past altogether like having a memory of a blue bike when in reality the very same bike has actually always been red. There's also deja vecu, which is the feeling almost like a premonition that you know what's about to happen next, but one of the biggest pieces of evidence is something called the Mandela effect. This is the psychological phenomenon in which a person recalls a memory that did not actually occur, or did it? The best example of this is how many people remember the lovable bears from their childhood as the Berenstein Bears, when in reality, they were always the Berenstain Bears. In fact, no records have ever existed of the books ever being called the Berenstein Bears. After this video, search on YouTube the Berenstein Bear parallel universe. Your mind is going to be blown.

So those were 10 pieces of evidence that alternate realities exist, so the question is, do you believe that these are all things that point to a parallel universe? Or are they merely unexplainable phenomenon?


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