Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming

Have you ever wondered, 'Is this a dream?' as you move throughout your day? Even if this isn’t something you do regularly, to get proficient at lucid dreaming, this is a skill that can help you out. Start habitually asking yourself whether or not you’re in a dream as you move through your waking day. Just like you’re perceptions, the habits you form during your waking hours are the same as those that affect you in your dream worlds. According to research, asking yourself, "Am I dreaming?" at least five to ten times during the day helps you to develop a critical-reflective attitude, which conditions you to start being able to lucid dream. Once you start asking yourself this enough, it will work its way into your dreams as well, encouraging you to ask the same question – “Am I dreaming?” – while you’re actually dreaming. But what happens if a dream seems too real? What if, when you ask whether you’re dreaming, the people in your dream argue with you and push back against your question, prompting you to mistakenly conclude that you are awake. In this case, it’s imperative to use critical state testing– testing your reality. You can ask yourself other questions while asleep: “Do I have super powers?” Another good test is to see whether or not the content of a book is the same, the first and second time you open it. Exercising a critical-reflexive attitude can really help you to start dreaming lucidly. But how can you actually become lucid? Just before you drift off, remind yourself that you intend to remember to recognize that you are dreaming. This is known as the mnemonic induction of lucid dreams (MILD). The goal of MILD is to create a way of thinking during your waking state that will travel with you into your dream state. It’s important, though, to be patient. There’s no way to guarantee that you’ll automatically be able to lucid dream — some people require more practice. There are also multiple ways to actually induce lucid dreams, which is what we’ll explore next.


Everyone can lucid dream, no matter your age or personal situation. However, there are some mistakes that can prevent you from lucid dreaming, and this video covers three of the biggest ones.


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