Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming

In order to start lucid dreaming, it’s important to remember your dreams. Keeping a dream journal is the best way to start remembering your dreams and figuring out what they mean. Keep your journal by your bed, so that as soon as you wake up in the morning, you can write down the dreams you remember. If you wait until you’re more awake to write your dreams down, you might forget some details, or that you dreamt at all. So, while you’re still in bed, try to remember the ideas and general ideas of your dreams. If you’re having trouble remembering, examine your general feeling in the moment and where your thoughts are going. This might be able to trigger the memory of your dream. Once you have all the details of your dream written down, go back through what you’ve written down and identify your dream signs. Dream signs are the details in your dream that signal that you’re actually dreaming. For instance, did you realize you were dreaming when you saw flying elephants? Or, maybe it was when you started to walk through fire? These dream signs are important because many lucid dreamers are able to start lucid dreaming when they start to realize unusual occurrences in their dreams. This could mean anything from those flying elephants to time moving backwards. Once you identify a dream sign, it’ll be easier to keep this information in mind next time you go to bed. By jotting down your dream signs in your journal, it’ll be easier to identify these signs in your dream state, which means that you’ll be able to better recognize your dream signs when you’re actually dreaming. Once you start to remember at least one dream per night, and have filled your dream journal with at least a dozen dreams and several dream signs, you’ll be able to start really exploring lucid dreaming induction techniques. Keep reading to learn more!


The video link below is Stef's guide to the 'Finger Induced Lucid Dreaming' (FILD) technique which is arguably one of the fastest and most effective lucid dreaming methods in the world. This method involves focusing on the 'movement' in your fingers at an early time in the morning. This focus will induce a lucid dream in 9 seconds. The FILD technique is a great induction technique and it's great for beginners and advanced dreamers alike.



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