Dark Energy And Human Consciousness

To date, the scientific approach to researching the origin and evolution of the universe has been to focus exclusively on the physical state. This approach has provided a deep understanding of molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, bosons, fields, quantum fluctuations, etc., at the micro level, and planetary systems, galaxies, galaxy groups, and galaxy clusters at the macro level.

However, scientists estimate that this knowledge only describes 5 % of the whole, with the other 95% being made up of dark matter (approx. 27%) and dark energy (approx. 68%). If experiments at the upgraded LHC at CERN fail to provide new discoveries that will explain the natures of dark matter and dark energy – and there is a very real possibility that this will be the case – then it will be back to the drawing board for the scientific community and their ‘completely physical’ approach.

The most complex phenomenon known to humanity at the present time is life, and in particular, human life. Therefore, if scientists change their focus from studying the physical state only, to studying life, they will acquire a much deeper understanding of the universe and how it originated and evolved. There is no need to go back billions of years in time or billions of light years in space to study life, it is with us in the here and now – in fact it is in every scientist.

Any logical study of life reveals that it is a composite phenomenon, comprising both a physical aspect which is gravitational and naturally seeks lower complexity, and a non-physical aspect which is expansionary and naturally seeks higher complexity – take note of the similarities with dark matter and dark energy in relation to the universe.

Therefore, if we wish to understand the universe, life, mind, and human consciousness, it will be necessary, in the words of Schrödinger, ‘to weld together the sum total of all that is known into a whole’ – and that includes dark matter and dark energy.

Tom Cahalan qualified as a mechanical engineer in 1974. For the past twelve years he has been researching the interconnection between the universe, life, mind, and human consciousness.



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