Human Perception

All scientific measuring instruments are extensions of human perception. The fact that no known human instrument has been able to ascertain what Dark Energy and Dark Matter are, is clear indication that these phenomena are currently beyond human perception. The fact that cosmology estimates that these two aspects of reality constitute 95% of all physical existence, implies that human consciousness is really only 5% known. What this implies is that almost all humans have an acutely limited perception of physical reality, and by extension, themselves.

Hanyel Okolo is the Principal of XL2K Strategy Consult Ltd. located in the United Kingdom. He has spent over 25 years in private research into the phenomena of Organized Complexity in nature. This love and fascination of nature, was fueled as a young kid watching ants haul tiny amounts of food to their nest in what appeared to be a highly organized, though decentralized manner. This fascination translated into a life of science and research. Hanyel holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Nigeria and an MBA in Engineering Management from Coventry University, United Kingdom.


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