Consciousness And The Human Antenna

The source of consciousness has been a fundamental mystery since the beginning of time. As we advance in our understanding of the universe and ourselves, a new picture is emerging. It is becoming clear that there is a fundamental field of information that is the source of all the material world and that permeates everything. Nassim Haramein presents these new results in the exploration of the source of consciousness and demonstrates some of the technologies that are emerging from them. For almost two decades physicists have been looking for the source of dark matter and dark energy. The current conventional equations only predict 4% of the mass of the universe, the rest being an unknown substance described as dark matter and dark energy. Haramein has applied his holographic equations to the universal scale and was able to predict the exact critical mass of the universe without the help or the need to incorporate dark matter and dark energy as part of the new emerging physics.

Despite the seemingly relentless denial that consciousness is the prime directive that drives us, and maybe the Universe itself, physicist Nassim Haramein, continues to pierce the veil – beneath the surface of perception to show that what most call an epiphenomenon of the brain may actually be the primary driver of reality itself. But how do we fit into this equation of consciousness? From our connection to each other, to the universe and to the field itself. The human fractal antenna is key to tapping the infinite well of information through the use and understanding of consciousness.

Through nearly 30 years of research in physics and writing multiple papers, Haramein has come to a deep understanding of the underlying mechanics of our universe, using his equations and theory to calculate the most accurate prediction of the charge radius of the proton to date. Bringing in evidence from fundamental physical principles and leading research, he is able to show that we live in a connected universe with an inherent feedback network in the structure of space, which has led to pioneering insights in our interpretation of cosmological, quantum, and biological scale systems.

Nassim Haramein is a physicist, public speaker, inventor, educator, and the Director of Research at The Resonance Project Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to delivering knowledge and technology to the world which is based on a holistic and complete view of the dynamics and forces of nature, addressing the critical and systemic challenges humanity faces today.


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