Dream Walking

The mysteries of the mind have always fascinated mankind. Humans have been mystified by dreams and astral projection since the dawn of time. Dreams have inspired many events throughout history, from the artistic to the horrific. Astral projection has been considered as the soul leaving the body in order to travel to other realms in space and time. Yet the questions remain: what is the difference between the two phenomena, are they mutually exclusive or can they intersect and occupy the same space? Some say no, as dreaming occurs in our minds, with supposedly random images being brought up through the cortex and played out in our sleep. With astral projection, the soul actually leaves the body to investigate other places. Some note how different the experiences are, such as super intensified awareness with astral projection, in comparison to the sometimes murky and confusing elements of dreams. Yet there are always exceptions to the rule, as some psychic dreams – especially lucid dreams – can be vivid and exciting. Out of body experiences, by contrast – can involve elements of confusion and dream-like properties. What is really fascinating, is the idea that the dreaming mind or soul has the capacity to leave the body via lucid dreaming.

How to Dream Walk and Enter Someone’s Dreams in 5 Simple Steps

1. The first thing to remember is to state your purpose clearly, whether through carefully planning a ritual to accompany the attempt or through meditation and focusing your energies. A clear focus and understanding will go a long way in achieving your goals. Set up a sacred space where you will be uninterrupted.

2. Think intently about the person. Remember that your attempts will be far more successful if the other person is in on it. If you can synchronize your timing, the experiment will take on a more meaningful level of focus, with careful fact checking after the attempt. If they are not aware, you have a lot more work to do.

3. Meditate on their face either in your mind’s eye or on a photo. Think from their point of view and meditate on their feelings without superimposing your own ideas – even if it makes you uncomfortable. The trick is to be able to align yourself with their energies so that you can build a psychic bridge – even a mind-meld, if you will.

4. As you drift off to sleep, hold onto the feeling of being them – like an actor would do when trying to get into the 'skin' of their character. Repeat simple affirmations like, “I will enter her dreams” or “I will now cross over into her dreamworld.” When you wake up, note your impressions and see if you can ask them about any dreams they’ve had.

5. Practice lucid dreaming, where you become aware that you are dreaming. In this state, you can consciously direct yourself to that person’s dream by saying their name or focusing on entering their dreamworld through a familiar portal that at least has meaning for them, if not for the both of you.

Grace C. Swain is an Instagram monetization strategist, Manifestation coach, Indigenous advocate, and influencer.



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