Virtual Reality Theory (Part 2)

Tom Campbell’s model of Consciousness derives Quantum Mechanics and Relativity, eliminates quantum weirdness, and builds a scientific foundation under much of what was previously deemed 'paranormal'. This comprehensive, logical, and scientific explanation of both objective and subjective reality perfectly defines a Big TOE.

My Big TOE is based on the understandings that all of our reality as we experience it is based upon Consciousness and that we exist in a non physical subjective reality, rather than an objective physical reality. This strongly challenges the belief traps held by conventional and main stream Western science by treating our world as a Virtual Reality rather than an external, physical objective reality. My Big TOE extends the concept to include the existence of multiple Virtual Reality frames within which we exist simultaneously. It highlights that our Physical Matter Reality (PMR) is no more than a set of constraints defined by rules of physics that limit the information we receive that we interpret as physical. This Theory Of Everything also provides an understanding, as a model, of the Larger Consciousness System or LCS within which everything exists and is the fundamental base of all of our Reality. Essentially this new Paradigm makes those concepts and experiences considered as Paranormal or Psi based understandable as normal within this Bigger Picture understanding. This includes such experiences as The Placebo Effect, Quantum Entanglement, Precognition, Out of Body Experience (OOBE), Near Death Experience (NDE), After Death Communication (ADC) and even aspects of dreaming, particularly Lucid Dreaming. This new Paradigm also makes those ancient concepts and experiences known as Shamanism understandable in modern terms. This new Paradigm also makes those concepts and experiences of ancient mystics and metaphysicians of millennia past referred to as The Vedic Conception of Indra's Net understandable in modern terms and as a concept 'parallel' to and congruent with My Big TOE. This new Paradigm also makes The Buddha's Conception of Reality as Illusion understandable in modern terms and as a concept congruent with Tom Campbell's conceptualization of this Virtual Reality that we experience ourselves as existing within.

A former NASA physicist, Tom worked as a large complex systems analyst by day and collected evidential information in the larger consciousness system by night. Tom delivers information through his unique abilities and experience that you will not find anywhere else.


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