Shared Dreaming

Our life comes on hold and we keep stuck in a pattern (when the self is divided within). When becoming aware life continues and flows. Then we can move on with life. Here our purpose (plot) furthers, continues. At this level it is like the self gets (back) on the highway (synchronicity). The author has found patterns (shared meaning) in dreams of several persons (of which the majority are independent or don't know each other) forming larger wholes, which constitute this path on the highway forming this (shared) purpose in life. This stage becomes collective and can only be experienced and completed when embedded in this collective context of dreams of others which share this common vision (in the collective unconscious). These dreams only gain meaning in group context like pieces of a puzzle. So here, beyond Self, the task of these groups is finding (downloading) these shared patterns of meaning in their dreams, which are like the parts/episodes of a larger Tale or myth. These patterns tend to form a plot or story, which the persons need to solve or put together.

Dimitri Halley works with self awareness to access a deeper level of mind and learning at the quantum levels of existence. At this level a much deeper level of potential is unleashed. He uses dreams, self-awareness and deeper unconscious processes as tools for growth of persons, organizations and larger systems. Systems resist change at levels beyond conscious intentions. Therefore change which doesn't involve deeper unconscious patterns and beliefs doesnt lead to sustainable growth. Most psychology professionals do either clinical work with individuals on the inner part, or organizational: work with groups and external problems, but Dimitri is a clinical-organizational psychologist and works thus also on the inner part of the organization, which remains untouched by the classical organizational expert and psychologist. He also has run a private clinical practice for almost 20 years now.


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