Dark Mysteries

‘Dark Mysteries’ explores the subject of dark matter, one of the Hubble Space Telescope’s most fascinating discoveries. In 1998, when Hubble observed supernovae found at the edge of the universe, its observations showed that contrary to commonly held theories at the time, the expansion of the universe is not slowing down, but is actually accelerating at a rapid rate. The existence of dark matter and dark energy is one possible theory that was created to explain the acceleration of the universe. Dark matter is theorized to be a sort of energy-fluid that, along with dark energy, comprises more than 95% of the entire universe. In addition, because of how dark matter has been observed indirectly through the formation of galaxy clusters, we know that dark matter dictates the structure of the formation of the universe itself. The concept of an invisible force that completely surrounds us and is responsible for everything we know is an incredibly profound idea to Daniel Despins, and he hopes this piece conveys the tremendous awe and wonder he feels while contemplating the existence of dark matter.



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