Dream, Believe, Achieve!

A lucid dream is a type of dream where the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming. During a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream characters, narrative, and environment; however, this is not actually necessary for a dream to be described as lucid. Lucid dreaming has been studied and reported for many years. Prominent figures from ancient to modern times have been fascinated by lucid dreams and have sought ways to better understand their causes and purpose.



  1. Interesting concepts for sure - the bigger question for me is why do we want to control our dreams?
    If the reason is therapeutic eg to be able to stop a nightmare / night terror, or to redirect a reoccurring anxiety provoking themed scenario or perhaps to understand the process more and gain insight into some of the whys....
    BUT if the motivation is to control for control sake - is that not simply adding more stress to our already 16 waking hours of decision making, accountability, responsibility etc... I personally value the sleeping dream time as I can allow my consciousness freedom to explore at it’s own pace and in essence entertain me. It is the one block of time where I don’t need to be in control, I can lay back and let the “show begin”. I love how creative and innovative my consciousness is - the places I go, the people I meet and often the characters I am are seldom boring or mundane - and the beauty is, I can go and be without the stress of planning, decision making, accountability and responsibility!
    There is merit in “not knowing too much” - with knowledge comes responsibility than follows stress etc.... I have enough of that in my 16 hours awake - cheers to the ignorant bliss that comes with not controlling or interfering with the spontaneous night time dream!
    Lucid dreaming through meditative states that are intentional and with purpose- that is a whole other story.

  2. Your right, I don't think we want to control our dreams, what we want to do is experience and learn from them. That is typical of human nature, to be in control. A common consensus is that when we allow ourselves to experience and learn from our dreams, we will have less stress in our waking hours.


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