
Showing posts from August, 2024

The Unification Of Physics And Consciousness

And so Buddhist contemplatives and others have found multiple dimensions, have found a dimension of consciousness that lies beneath our ordinary psyche, the conscious and subconscious minds called the substrate consciousness, which is blissful, luminous, non-conceptual, and does not arise from matter, does not arise from neuronal activity in the brain, does not arise from matter of any kind. It's not material. It does not arise from material. It is conditioned by matter but does not arise from matter; a deeper dimension of consciousness. Those who have accessed this substrate consciousness, this subtle continuum of mental consciousness, have used this as a platform rather like launching a Hubble telescope beyond the atmosphere of our planet to be able to probe into deep space beyond the distortions of the atmosphere, of contamination in the atmosphere, light pollution and so forth, enabling them to probe much more deeply into the space of the universe. Likewise, those who have laun

The Unification Of Physics And Consciousness

I challenge the reader to engage in a deep form of skepticism, challenging our fundamental notions of what matter is, what physicality or the whole category of the physical is, and together with this challenge many of our deepest assumptions within the scientific community and elsewhere about the nature and origins and potentials of consciousness and the role of consciousness in the universe. Mainstream views that dominate academia, really quite worldwide, insist that everything in the universe really consists of space, time, mass, energy and the emergent properties that arise from mass and energy - the functions, the emergent properties, the characteristics of mass and energy. Hence, the term physicalism or scientific materialism.  The assumption underlying this view is that what is absolutely out there independent of our human concepts, independent of our measurements, really is precisely this: space, time, mass, and energy. What people often fail to recognize, however, is that the v

The Seven Planes Of Theosophy

In our day-to-day lives, we're deeply rooted in the physical world. What we see, touch, and experience through our senses forms our understanding of reality. Our minds are so intertwined with this tangible world that it often feels like this is all there is. We're constantly focusing on the concrete - the things we can see and interact with, and our thoughts rarely wander beyond the tangible aspects of life. Yet, what if I told you that there's more to our existence than just this visible, physical realm? Beyond what our eyes can see and hands can touch, there are countless other worlds, or planes of existence, hidden from our physical senses. These mysterious realms are beyond the comprehension of our standard, day-to-day consciousness.  Today, let's embark on an intriguing journey into the depths of various spiritual and esoteric teachings. We'll explore the fascinating concept of 'Planes of Existence'. As we dive into this topic, we'll uncover the hid

The Game Of Awakening

So what I see is our predicament, our position is: that we understand that everybody has to go or nobody goes. We don’t want to start a polarization again. And yet it is very evident to me that there is a shift in collective consciousness—which you could call a new paradigm or a new way of perceiving reality. And it means that people are starting to meet, whether you want to call it by whatever level on other states of consciousness or as soul to soul. Are you here? I’m here. And, in a way, the technology of the Information Age just speeds up the whole process. Because virtual reality and this reality all become just two realities after a while. So now I see in the culture is a ripeness for starting to live from more than one level of consciousness. And what I saw was that as I extricated myself more and more and kept working through the boundaries of my consciousness, the way I saw you changed. I went from seeing you on channel one and two and then I kept going and going and going. Bu

Death Is A Mystery

You’re impeccable in the role you’re playing on the ego/psychophysical plane, but you’re also present on another plane. And I think if I could get the essence of what I have figured out in the simplest early stages of it is that you and I should be living on two planes of consciousness simultaneously. Just two, I don’t ask for the whole shtick. Just two. And you say, “Which two?" And I’d say, “Any two.” Because the minute you can—whether you have lucid dreams, that’s one way of doing it. One way you admit you are in a different reality, and you go from reality to reality, because what that does is it changes the meaning of any single reality. I’ve just finished a book called 'Still Here: Embracing Aging, Changing and Dying', because I’m 65 and the boomers are turning 50. It’s a great market. So what I saw in doing this book was that what aged in us was one of the planes of reality we exist on. That is our body’s age, and our mind’s age, and our thought process’s age. But t