
Showing posts from July, 2024

The Miracle Of Consciousness

When I do this old exercise I’ve done many times, where you put a tuner, control knob, next to your eye, and you tune it at level one and you look up here and you see a 65-year-old, paunchy, bald, handsome gentleman, okay? And then you flip at one dial and you see me as teacher, as spiritual seeker, as da-da-da. You see me as Caucasian, you see me as… on and on—all my psychosocial identities. That’s who you see. On channel two, that’s as the world turns. That’s where our personalities hang out. That’s where we think our storylines are real, okay? Then you go to channel three, where we’re all bigger than life. It’s the astral plane, and we all have our archetypal identities. And I’m an Aries, and you know what that means! And then we go one more channel, and when we look into the eyes of another person—whom we just saw as their physical body, their psychosocial identity, their astral identity—you look in their eyes and you see from behind all that another being looking out at you. Are y

In The Realm Of Dreams

Dreams, they are the silent storytellers of our subconscious, guiding us through a labyrinth of hidden emotions and spiritual insights. In this exploration, we venture into the complex tapestry of them, bridging our spiritual essence with our physical reality. More than mere constructs of imagination, dreams are profound conduits for insight, painting our subconscious thoughts and spiritual revelations onto a vibrant canvas. As we rest, our dreams weave stories and symbols, offering us a unique window into the intricate and often elusive dimensions of our existence. Dreams As Prophetic And Creative Outlets Dreams have long been recognized as not just reflections of our subconscious but also as powerful sources of prophetic insights and creative inspiration. This fascinating aspect of dreams highlights the mind's extraordinary capabilities, even in the state of sleep. Historically, dreams have been credited with predicting future events, a phenomenon that has intrigued various cultu

You Are The Universe

The universe is a reflection of consciousness. Everything in your life, your reality and your experiences is like an audition for your attention just as celestial bodies orbit around the sun. Your thoughts, feelings, perceptions and sensations depend entirely on the energy you invest. That which you ignore ceases to exist in your experiential realm. The challenge arises from the unconsciousness with which we often navigate this process. Anything that transpires in your life need not become your experience if you choose not to lend it your attention. This may sound counterintuitive but it's a fact worth considering. When you refuse to invest your attention, events and circumstances lose their impact on your vibrational frequency. In the realm of the Law of Attraction, thoughts are often touted as creators of reality. However, thoughts in and of themselves are empty vessels, they simply vie for your attention. You hold the power to energize them by saying "yes" or dismiss t

What Is Consciousness?

Our attention is captured by the figure rather than the background, by the relatively enclosed area rather than the diffuse area, and by something moving rather than what is relatively still. And to all those phenomena that in this way attract our attention, we attribute a higher degree of reality than the ones we don't notice. That's only because for the moment, those are more important to us. Consciousness, you see, is a radar that is scanning the environment to look out for trouble just in the same way as a ship's radar is looking for rocks or other ships. And the radar, therefore does not notice the vast areas of space where there are no rocks, no other ships. So in the same way, our eyes or rather, the selective consciousness behind the eyes only pays attention to what we think is important. I am at this moment aware of all of you in this room, of every single detail of your clothing, of your faces and so on. But I'm not noticing it all, and therefore I will not be