The Conscious Electromagnetic Information (CEMI) Field Theory

If an apple pops into our field of vision, photons of light enter our eye and hit the back of the retina where light-sensitive rods and cones are stimulated and send a cascade of action potentials to the primary visual cortex. Action potentials are converted from electrical energy to chemical energy when passing from neuron to neuron over the synaptic cleft. An image is formed in our cortex of a red apple on a table, but other information is being processed as well, such as the mealy texture of the apple indicating it is somewhat rotten. Stimuli from touch receptors, taste receptors, and visual receptors are all amalgamated to allow you to resolve that you are looking at an unappetizing apple. But how were all of those interpretations of stimuli, traveling along separate cortical systems combined? What is consciousness? Some would describe it as a state of being aware of one’s existence, the passing of time, and processing of thoughts. RenĂ© Descartes, the 17th century French mathematic...