The Science Of Lucid Dreaming

Waggoner and McCready broaden the approach to lucidity way beyond simply achieving it. They present lucidity not as the result of techniques or the ability to fly when you want to in a dream. Rather, they raise with the reader an inquiry into of the awareness of consciousness and its role in 'waking' and 'dreaming' reality. As a longtime meditator, I realized I can go through this doorway to get to lucidity and that truly, dreaming is about playing with the web of consciousness and its interrelatedness with all that is! Waggoner writes that through his practice of lucid dreaming, he discovered a 'consistent framework of rules and principles beneath lucid dreaming events' and that this 'hidden framework suggested that dreaming and the unconscious actually followed rules and had structure'. Dreaming is not just 'random firing of neurons'. In fact, he explores the idea that there is an intelligent awareness that exists behind our dreams and that thi...