Consciousness Unbound

'Consciousness Unbound' provides a thoughtful and thorough examination of modern theories about the non-material nature of the universe that are alternatives to the reductive nature of scientific materialism. This volume is the third major output of a series of Esalen Institute Research seminars discussing empirical evidence regarding the question of postmortem survival. The creation of the three volumes was spearheaded by Edward Kelly of the University of Virginia, in collaboration with other editors, and Kelly brings some of the best minds in this field together to discuss issues that makes the volumes compelling. The first two volumes, 'Irreducible Mind' and 'Beyond Physicalism' (Kelly et al., 2007, 2015), provide helpful additional resources that lay important groundwork for this volume, as well as providing research from neuroscience and philosophy that support the proposition that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of nature. As you read through 'Co...