Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming

Do you dream? Often, it’s difficult to remember our dreams. The vivid worlds we come up with in our subconscious most often disappears as soon as we wake up. Yet, with some practice, dreaming can be a true adventure, and these adventures can have positive effects on your overall well-being. Lucid dreaming is when you 'wake up' while you’re dreaming and are conscious and aware of what is happening in this dream world. In this book summary, you’ll learn how to lucid dream, and how life in this dream state can enrich your life while you’re awake. In this summary of Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge and Howard Rheingold, you’ll also learn; - how practicing a skill like jump shots in your dreams will actually improve your game; and - why you should be asking your waking self 'Am I dreaming?'. - how to stay asleep by being active in a dream; We all dream. However, very few people can actually 'wake up' within a dream. Lucid drea...